Saturday, July 10, 2010

Mexico Day 2

Hola from Mexico!

For those of you who didn't know, once my Seniors graduated I used my extra free time searching for a summer travel experience. It led me to Playa Del Carmen, Mexico where I will be taking Spanish classes for a week, doing tours, and spending quite a bit of time on the beach! I have internet access in my hotel room. I will be trying to keep up on a travel journal on here (and on my official blog, which has probably been hit free for 12 months, but why not?)

The trip down here was uneventful, but I can sum it up in two words: LEBRON JAMES. You probably all thought the LeBron over coverage couldn't get any worse either- imagine how bad it was for me sitting on JetBlue trying to find ANYTHING else to watch at 9 AM Friday morning. Unfortunately, I overdosed and now have a permanent twitch. Damn that man.

After the trip, yesterday I got a lay of the land. Definitely the nicest beach I have ever seen. Reminds me a little of South Beach, but nicer. And the water's a lot warmer than Nahant Beach in Revere...

One street away from the beach is maybe a 3 mile stretch of overtouristed (Playa is a frequent stop for cruises i guess) bars, souvenir shops, and street merchants. I have already been offered illegal drugs upwards of 20 times. The first couple times i didn't know that if someone walks up to you and says "hola amigo, where are you from?" put your head down and keep walking.... But its worth putting up with the harassment for the guaranteed food, entertainment, and any necessity you may need.

Today I accomplished my goal, of making friends with some Mexicans on the beach and making the requisite "you teach me English and I'll teach you Spanish" deal that every Mexican I have ever met has offered me. Hung out with them for most of the day- they got there early and got one of the beach club chairs, then knew an off the beaten path restaurant with huge portions for a tiny price. International Travel 101: try to befriend some locals, because they know all the secrets. A Canadian guy obviously took this course, because he joined us too. Was nice to have someone who spoke perfect English.

Of course, the day at the beach has led to the inevitable sunburn. Spending the night in and have Independence Day on tv. Bill Pullman is my number two fictional president right after David Palmer.

Some other random thoughts...

There is a sports book on the beach strip. As you probably guessed, this immediately became my favorite place.

Some guys walk down the beach selling bags of sliced mango, papaya, etc. When one of the Mexicans i met went to get some, I asked for one too.... Little did I know they put hot Chili Powder all over it! Only in Mexico...

There are guys on the street who have pet monkeys that they let you take a picture with (for a tip). I'm not sure if I should get a picture or if I should not encourage the animal exploitation.

I haven't met anybody from my program because i guess the others chose home stays instead of the only slightly more expensive hotel. Hopefully that and not that there are no others.

For some reason I can't get the Costa Rican currency translation out of my head. Since in CR 1 dollar is 550 colones, I keep seeing Mexican prices and thinking "WOW, that is really cheap." Then i realize I should be dividing by 12, not 550. Sigh.

Ok, if you read this far you are probably related to me or share a space on my profile picture. I miss you all! I have written a lot. Probably will write after my first day of school Monday. Until then...

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